May 26, 2006 

In,Or Out: X Men 3

Definitely out...

There are some spoilers, but since its such a crappy show, you shouldn't worry much....

What the heck does it mean, The Last Stand? With all the hype, I was having visions of all the mutants in one big war with really cool fight scenes. I suppose "The Last Stand" probably refers to where the scriptwriters all line up in a row waiting to get shot.

Actually, aside from the Golden Gate Bridge being relocated, everything else about this movie is at the most, mediocre at best. The one thing I liked about the previous X Men movies was the one-on-one fight scenes between the superpowered mutants. This time round, it was all too disappointing. Storm kicking around some unknown mutant around, Iceman against Pyro etc, in a word, was ultimately BORING.

And the could they produce such horrendous material? I know, they are trying to get Wolverine to bring off the show, but at the expense of killing of major characters so early?

It feels like the writers are intentionally trying to get their fans to HATE this show. Its a wonder Stan Lee actually still wanted his obligatory cameo appearance.I guess Bryan Singer was smart to pull out of doing this one, though we'll have to wait for Superman Returns to confirm that.

Long story short, don't waste your money on this show. Save it for the 12% increase tariff electricity bill next month and the 2 hours reading random ramblings of other peoples blogs.

May 19, 2006 

Slow going and fresh beginnings..

Its a Thursday night(or Friday morning) and I guess that if you can see this then it means that the template completed actually works. Woohoo!

So far this year it has been a whole load of downhill rides into this hell of a deep rut. Not too bothered to go into the details but suffice to say, it has probably been the worse year in my life in ol' Mother Earth....and I say this pretty confidently even though it hasn't even been mid year yet.

Actually I had pretty much decided to let this blog drop into the whole oblivion thats known as the World Wide Web but since I haven't been doing too well, decided instead to start afresh with a new title and template for an outlet for my complaints and rantings...coz if there is one thing I learned this year is that its definitely not good to keep things bottled up inside.

Guaranteed it will definitely eat you up maybe not today, tomorrow but for sure.


On another topic, it looks like most of the online TV series are having their season finales for the fall and its going to be back to the mostly mediocre shows the cable networks have been saving for...

Will write about my favourite shows some other time when I feel like it.
