September 18, 2004 

Useless crap!

Darn, it is getting harder and harder to find a place to blog.

This so because I have now moved away from the "Wasteland" and now am staying temporarily with a couple of friends until I get my own place in the small little town for simplicity's sake I would name it "Humpland".

Hence, without a "Net line in the house (Actually also without a com; my laptop is giving problems:) I am forced to cannibalised my poor classmates Streamyx lines whenever free. (Crap. I should use the library com but thats wayyy to far to walk)

Anyway, blogging will be sporadic until I get a permanent internet line(Damn phone guys;().


September 10, 2004 

Creaming pussies just for you!


Now if any of you perverts happen to come through this site after a Google search, shame on you....I just want to see how many of you get linked here after searching for it "Curiosity with a Creaming Pussy"

Not much time, but now just a general update.....I'm now studying in Malacca to continue the second half of my program. Kinda hectic with finding accomodations so not much time to do stuff...

Heck, not much to say...will do when I think of something....
