January 23, 2005 

Mentality? I wonder....

This happened a while ago,but this came up in a conversation with a few friends yesterday.

It was basically about a woman selling a grilled sandwich supposedly bearing the image of the Virgin Mary for $28,000 and a rock that sold for $2550 which supposedly holds the image of Christ. We came to the conclusion that..

1)There are a lot of suckers out there. For every conmen born, there are.....
2)There are also a lot of conmen out there....

Why? Well, basically I feel that all these supposed images are just plain bullshit. I mean, who can really tell how does the Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ really looks like? Its not like there were photographs during that time or any lasting portraits that lasts 2000 years or more...

Not only that, who can really say what does these supposed images really mean anyway? If you pay $28,000 for a stale grilled sandwich, what would you do with it? I suppose you could look at it at the beginning to enjoy the novelty of it, but whats the point? If it could really heal people and change lives wouldn't the owner simply keep it for themselves?

I really wonder sometimes...how do these people that buy stuff like this actually wear their clothes the correct way everyday, without help?

p.s. if they have money to burn, its easy...just donate it to my college fund...you can contact me here at this site...

January 07, 2005 


Sometimes the extent a guy goes to just to catch a glimpse of a "blessed" female can go a little far.

This morning I went to have breakfast with WH and YC at Taman Tun, who was helping me with a bit of Mandarin translations. WH is a friend that studies overseas and is leaving tomorrow and YC studies at a local college.

Now after breakfast, we sent YC back to his college(WH was driving). As you know, some college students dress to kill sometimes so I just was looking around out of sheer curiosity. While we were driving towards the main building there was this black Wira coming from the other direction, I think looking for an empty parking space. Hey, not bad...about 7/10 based on seeing from one car to another. Told WH, check it out...

WH, either being blind or else with standards that shot up 1000 times after being overseas immedietly said cr@p and told me not to waste my time. 2 seconds after that, jammed on the brakes just to stop in front of that hot girl's car just to take a second look. Hah! Must have scared the bejesus out of her, another car just stopping in front like that.

WH still couldn't take a good look at her(musta been half blind or something...don't know why he was driving anyway..)he drove a little further and stopped just to see her park and get out. Note that we were in the middle of the driveway and other people were also looking at us looking at hot girl then continue looking at the hot girl.Hmm..very good figure...8/10. It was only after we couldn't see her anymore we left, wondering why the hell were we doing.....

Sometimes I wonder...how far would a guy go just to get a better view of the fairer sex?


January 06, 2005 

Invincible? I don't think so...

Something bullsh*t happened a few days back.

I was on my way to play badminton with my father, brother and a friend. My friend was driving us in his spanking new E240.(Naturally being protective as hell).

We had to pass near through a squatters area to get to the badminton hall. Suddenly, out of nowhere this SOB small fry on a bleeding "cub chai" drove by us and started cursing at us, like we drove on his grandfather's road.

Now keep in mind this bleeding SOB is a young, small sized,helmetless,long haired Malay bum who looks high on drugs. What he didn't realise that he was cursing 4 fair-sized guys in the car. Not only that, when the bastard purposely slowed down in front of the car and did several swerves just to irritate us, we slowed down too and the cars behind started making noise...damn, if I was in my van(with kangaroo bars) I would have rammed the bugger and to hell with it.

But since it was my friends new car, and worth way more then some low-life's shit head, we pulled over and let the car behind us(a new Camry btw) to deal with the fucked-up shithead. The dude behind us pulled out all stops and horned the shithead, still pulling his antics like some jackass. Finally he pulled aside (somewhere outside the squatter area)and we all drove by...still that SOB was cursing, swerving and waving his hands like some drunk freak at us.

Screw that little shit, we were already late for our game and we were not about to lock horns with some power-mad little fuck in front of a kampung where he would probably squeal and hide behind the big guys. Definitely not worth it, especially since my friends car probably cost more then have that village put together. Needless to say we just left that bastard cursing and making a bloody fool out of himself.

Note: Motorcyclists are banes to all cars. They think they can get away with banging your wing mirrors and every other street law but start squealing like stuck pigs whenever they get an accident when they break the traffic laws.Heck, even the punishments for motorcyclists arn't too bad. It should be raised to curb such stupid nonsense from these arrogant SOB.

All I can say is that to all drivers out there, if you accidently hit a motorcyclist when the bastard is trying to squeeze where he isn't suppose to be, reverse back and roll over him again....to make sure he is dead. Otherwise its not worth the effort...

January 03, 2005 

Happy New Year 2005.......*sigh*

My most heartfelt condolences to everyone affected by the tsunami in the world.

Another year has passed, and so far it has started in a bleak way.

It feels really depressing when one sees the pictures in the papers about the situation overseas especially in Aceh.

Damn, it makes me wonder if I can go there to help out....all I've done now is donate cash (But, being what I am now, I might be doing more harm then good...)
....its now Elective posting month for me and I have about 3 weeks left before I leave to Malacca.

Interesting thing to note...Malaysia was actually hit by a secondary tsunami transferred by shockwaves from the Sumatran coast.

According to some local geologist, we were apparently quite lucky as the Malaccan Straits are quite shallow and this didn't allow the waves to built up.

Well, not to demean anything, but personally I feel that any loss of life regardless of how little in number compared to others is NOT "lucky". Just imagine yourself losing a loved one, and you will know what I mean, if others treat it callously.

Anyway, I just finished my first week of GP elective postings in Rawang. Got to start my project and case reports soon...(nah...got 3 weeks....just chill)

Hmm...the world seems to be falling to pieces. Unbelievable events has occured. If I was on a beach in Penang last week and someone told me a tsunami was coming, I think I would have laughed it off...just think, what would you have done?

Imagine that.

Side note: According to the newspapers, pledges and donations are coming from all around the world, EXCEPT the Middle East. If I remember right, Indonesia has one of the largest Muslim communities in the world...what I'm asking is, are the coffers in other Muslim countries in that part of the world just for their so-called jihad or can it be used to help the disaster victims? Smells of either hypocrisy or plain selfishness to me...

The world is mad.

Oh yeah.....Happy New Year.