July 27, 2004 


Major shit crap exams on the loose for the next month or so...will have no posts till then......SOrry people, I have no choice, I really need  to pass this exam:)

July 18, 2004 

Psychiatric postings...


Psychiatry posting is quite surprising sometimes. You never really know what you are going to see...

Just a couple days back, we had a good chance to observe a schizophrenic proper patient. It was interesting during the initial interview because she kept talking and muttering to herself whist her mother, who was also attenting, tried to hush her up each time.This was frustating for the doctor on duty as she was trying to explain to us the classical symptoms of a schizophrenic case.

Not only that, I also got to see my first ECT (Electroconvulsice Therapy) session. This is where a patient is given a sedative and is held down while 2 electrodes are applied and the "shock therapy" begins. Damn, it was wierd. Anyway, I found out later thatECT's are only observable in this place, as we are not allowed to see it back home.

Oh well.... 

July 12, 2004 


I was just thinking about one of the great mysteries of mankind; women.

It came to me, if it all happens to "WOMEN", why is it called "MEN-strual cycle", "MEN-norrhagia", "MEN-opause", etc...

I wonder, could it be because that women in general blame us poor males for such conditions? Nah, must be a figment of my imagination...

First and foremost, the one thing I admire most about women is their ability to get pregnant, carry to term and go through labour. Personally, I can't see myself being tied down for 9 months and sustaining another living person inside me. I truly respect that.

The reason I'm thinking along these lines is that I recently saw my first labour. Man, was that something to see. Basically it was a normal labour (that means no caesarean or forceps was used;) and only local anasthesia was used for the epiosotomy.

Only 3 of us were allowed in the labour theatre, and the first thing I noticed was the smell (well, was used to the blood already I guess:). It was a kind of cross between a fish market and a post mortem...Oh yeah, and the lady was screaming her lungs out.I guess that must have scared her husband half to death waiting outside, because it did so to me.

Long story short, basically my lecturer did what she was suppose to do, and delivered a healthy looking baby boy (Well,later we found out he had pathological micro-penis defect but hey;) and did all the formalities of cleaning and weighing the kid.

Anyway, the 2 things that struck me the most about it was the birth of a new life in the world, and the PAIN involved. Damn, but it looked to me good enough to discourage my female classmates from having kids...

Heheh, something new to see,I guess...

Thanks, Mom...

July 05, 2004 


Hmmm....Greece won the Euro 2004...

Hadn't much time to follow the tournament this time round, but I don't think I've heard much about the Greece international team, much less name a Greek player...




Just how many of us take the luxuries in our daily life for granted?

Take electricity for instance. Just imagine, how limited your life would be, RIGHT NOW, without the power to turn on your electrical appliances and continue what-ever it is you are doing.

Tough, isn't it? Just imagine how your grandparents must have went through...

Well, since I'm not home enjoying the services of TNB, but instead in a remote little town:), this came to me while I was perfoming on stage about 2 days back.

It was the MSA(Malaysian Students Assoc.) night and yours truly, with 2 others (Kevin and Farah) were to play an acoustic song group with a couple of songs...

Hah. We were the 7th performance lined up out of some twenty-over others and right at the end of our 2nd song, there was a blackout. Despite that, we kept on playing amidst the catcalls/boos....Pure Melvyn luck,so the blackout was quite long(relatively) about 4-5 minutes.Imagine sitting on a stage in front of an audience of 800 in the dark...

Interestingly enough, I noticed that the crowd started bringing out their mobiles and waving their lighted screens up. Not only that, people were still taking photos with the flashes blinding us. Ah, the mentality of people...when I turned to comment this to Farah..lo behold, she was waving her own phone....

Needless to say, when the power came back on, we continued on like nothing happened....
The blackout during my performance was kinda a blessing in disguise for the whole show, as we were more versatile then the other groups, whch consisted mostly of dances. Gosh, the havoc that would have occured in the middle of one of those dances....Not only that, Kevin told me later that he forgot his lyrics at that time....

Heheh...chalk it up to another experience in India.....


At long last....


Yeah, I know its a long time since my last posts but the long story short,my com decided to take a long walk off a short pier. And I had to spend some considerable time trying to fish it out of the water...

Well, for a recap, psychiatry posting is quite interesting. Last week I had a class on role-playing between patient and doctor (just to show to the lecturers that we ACTUALLY were listening in class;) and in one of those scenarios I was playing the shrink with Farah as my patient with anxiety and panic attacks.

Damn, she was spontaneous. My history taking was actually going quite smoothly until she started explaining about her sex life...shoot, after that we just played it by ear...couldn't stop laughing to save my ass though....

Wierd ass stuff though, the PG(Post Grad) that was taking class at that time look at us funny after that...