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June 23, 2004 

OBG postings...just a note...

Heheh, currently I'm doing my OBG postings (Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the ignorent;). The doc was explaining to us the procedures in gynae examination with a model (plastic, not a real one...I mean come on guys...)

Doc: Now in gynaecology examination, what is the one thing you must not forget during the general examination?

Classmate: Sir, we make sure of the patient's past history of important medical diseases, any major surgeries etc....

Absolutely safe answer. As our topic for the day was vaginal examination, we weren't sure where he was going with that question. As I was racking my brain for another reasonable answer....

Doc: Yes, I can agree with that, but what you must not forget is that you cannot miss the opportunity for the breast examination!

Huh? By that time all pens stopped writing and we were looking at each other to ensure we weren't hit by an auditory illusion. I mean, he sounded so damn enthusiastic about it.

Ahhh, the penny drops. According to my lecturer, in his experience, even though most women know about breast carcinoma and its good prognosis if detected early, many do not undergo regular checkups or even perform self examination. So just a note to all women who read this...think about it....modesty or malignancy? Don't go through life with a decision you might regret later....

Anyway, on another note, my lecturer looked damn violent when he was showing us how to do a 'bimannual' examintation (using the digits:) on the model.........


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  • I'm Melvyn
  • From KL, Malaysia
  • I like to think I'm witty, funny and humourous....then again, that could be my MPD speaking...who knows?
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