June 28, 2004 

Euro 2004....

Decided not to torture myself and watch the game between the Czech and the Danes and slug it out. I've got classes tomorrow...

Had a rather slow day today. Sold my oven to Jackie (technically not right because the price is no set) and he should pay me by tomorrow or so.

Was just speaking to one of my friends and she was just asking me, in the court of law, why do witnesses take the oath and not the lawyers? Well, I told her that is because lawyers are a sneaky and smart lot which is required for getting their clients freed.Witnesses take the outh because they are compelled to tell the truth. Lawyers just twist them. Nothing really, but haven't all judges at one time or another were lawyers them selfs?

Got a dry cough. Just surviving day after day. Band auditions been postponed and its tomorrow. Can't wait to go up there and make a fool out of myself(nothing new;)again so there......

Another thing, rainy season here has gotten wierd. Its almost Malaysian weather after a while......without the falling cows and the screaming people....(don't believe everything you see on TV people, its not good:)

Ah, life...
You never know what is gonna turn up next.......

June 26, 2004 

Mel no Hibi!!?

Heheh...from that title I guess you can tell my latest interest:)

Ah, just finished my ayurvedic assignment with Yi Shen and Swee Boon (not really done together, but all just in the same room, 1 at the com, 2 writing...). For all, its just an assignment to evaluate my end-posting this week, which I'm eternally grateful because if they have an exam about it, I'm screwed...

Yeah, ayurveda......what a bunch of hypocrites. Always claiming that thir way is too extraordinary compared to the 'normal' bunch of medicine. And in the very next sentence crap that they can't do cardiac cases and have to go for referals...

Its a bit wierd if you don't know any Sanskrit (like me:) so all the terms they use just blow right by me. Yup thats right...it didn't even make it through my ears..

Got quite an irritating dry cough now.A bit worrying as when I'm in this condition, Kevin also has malaise, fever and chills, and not only that, Farah has confidence issues. And our band(?) is having our audition tomorrow....

Ah well, we'll just see where the winds blow this time....

Mel no Hibi...

ps. France is playing Greece now...wonder how its going..

June 23, 2004 

OBG postings...just a note...

Heheh, currently I'm doing my OBG postings (Obstetrics and Gynaecology for the ignorent;). The doc was explaining to us the procedures in gynae examination with a model (plastic, not a real one...I mean come on guys...)

Doc: Now in gynaecology examination, what is the one thing you must not forget during the general examination?

Classmate: Sir, we make sure of the patient's past history of important medical diseases, any major surgeries etc....

Absolutely safe answer. As our topic for the day was vaginal examination, we weren't sure where he was going with that question. As I was racking my brain for another reasonable answer....

Doc: Yes, I can agree with that, but what you must not forget is that you cannot miss the opportunity for the breast examination!

Huh? By that time all pens stopped writing and we were looking at each other to ensure we weren't hit by an auditory illusion. I mean, he sounded so damn enthusiastic about it.

Ahhh, the penny drops. According to my lecturer, in his experience, even though most women know about breast carcinoma and its good prognosis if detected early, many do not undergo regular checkups or even perform self examination. So just a note to all women who read this...think about it....modesty or malignancy? Don't go through life with a decision you might regret later....

Anyway, on another note, my lecturer looked damn violent when he was showing us how to do a 'bimannual' examintation (using the digits:) on the model.........


June 22, 2004 

Epidemic season again...


I think I'm sick again. No seriously, I think I'm having malaise now and that could mean everything..Thoughts are hazy..... ... .. . WAKEY WAKEY! Darn, its the first day after my final Pathology practicals and i'm sick? How much worse can it get!!?

Anyway, I have a reprieve of about 3 weeks before the shit hits the fan (again) and go through my next postings, psychiatry and ayurveda medicine(Study of Indian traditional medicine...think Tongkat Ali Indian style..). Since I had an exam this morning I missed my 1st Ayurvedic lecture. Thank God. My poor classmates were reeking in the procedure room which kinda smelt like a kitchen...2 weeks old.

Boggles the mind, will be jumping into that mess tomorrow. On aother note, we have an outbreak of malaria, cholera and filariasis in the Wasteland. Which is why i'm feeling wierd...could be malaria because of my relapsing fever or cholera because I have to make a 'pit stop' every 15-20 minutes.

Gotta read up Davidsons on that,will follow up

Oh yeah....Russia beat Greece...cool....all the more to me..

Next time - Fahrenheit 9/11
- dinky place i'm staying in....

June 18, 2004 

Psycho thrillers...


I was just watching the trailer for the movie 'Saw' at themoviebox.net. It was quite "fascinating" in the sense that I had never really thought about what would happen if I was in the hands of a psycho killer.(FYI, its about 2 guys that wake up in a room with a serial killer that is damn sadistic....think Hannibal, but kinda more violent;)

Well, not to give away any spoilers but I think this is the kind of movie most people would love to hate but watch it anyway.....just for kicks go check out the 'uncensored' trailer..

Oh yeah, England won.....damn...

June 17, 2004 

Exams exams...


Again, brilliant scheduling allows yours truly to cram examinations in a span of a couple of days. Sigh.

Anyhow, the only reason why I'm blogging is that my major theory papers are over and now I have to cram for my end-posting exams in 2 days. Not really a mess for Surgery as I passed my previous posting(They take the best out of 2...or so they say;), and to me Community Med is a joke. ..

Just imagine memorising Wasteland's methods of treatment in Com Med for only 2 months as the these methods are not applied at home...
Eg. One of their main problems here is malnourishment,(really skinny kids) whereas back home in Malaysia what do we have? Obesity. Now how am I suppose to learn from that?
(Although the experiences here are unique i guess...)

Damn, I'm immune to exams...my blood pressure isn't rocketing anymore though I had a high fever yesterday..oh yeah "Doctor, heal thyself" isn't really a good thing...I had the most morbid thoughts on what kind of freaking disease I had ranging from
malaria to filariasis , which is a kinda infection that blows your lymph nodes and gives you elephantiasis....shit, that's scary..

Anyway thats it for now..will have more time to mess around with the template in the next few days so bear with the mistakes..

June 14, 2004 

Ah crap!

Damn I hate the exam season....not because of the stress (well, that also really:) but due to the incredible time schedule set up by my college administrators, I have to sit for 2 exams at the same time later this week. Luckily I spotted the conflicts and told my Dean immedietly.

Nuts man, I can't be expected to do their job for them, can I? Jeez I mean, just who is paying for my tuition fees?

Just one prime example of the 'magnificent' organisation of the wasteland......

June 13, 2004 

Life as such.....

Well Looks like I'll set up camp here for now...couldnt be bothered about my age-old one last time so i guess this is where I will start posting my stuff..

Will be busy for the next week or so due to my clinical end-posting exams and the like but will be in and out every now and then....heheh